Do I need DBS Check?
All teachers are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before they can work in a school or educational institution. If you are registered with the DBS update service, you can add your details to your profile and we can verify this directly. Should you require a new DBS check, we can do this for you and charge £60 for a new DBS check.
How easy is it to register?
Registering on the Teacher Direct platform is incredibly easy, straightforward and sign up is free. We have designed the registration process to be user-friendly, ensuring that teachers can create their accounts quickly and hassle-free. Here's a step-by-step guide to registering:
1. Go to the Teacher Direct website: Simply visit our website ( using your web browser.
2. Click on the "Sign Up" for teachers button.
3. Enter your details: You'll be prompted to add your name, email, contact number and to choose a password to create your free account. You will also be required to upload a photo to register on our platform.
4. In order to co comply with our safer recruitment guidelines you will need to upload relevant ID to verify your account. This will enable us to carry out relevant DBS checks. If you are registered for the DBS Update service this is free. If you requiere us to carry out a DBS check for you, there is a £60 fee for this service.
5. Once your account is verified and the DBS confirmation is complete, you can log in to your Teacher Direct account and start accessing supply teaching opportunities directly with schools. Thousands of schools will have access to your profile and can see your skills, experience, daily rate and availability.
Our platform's intuitive interface and clear instructions ensure that the registration process can be completed within a few minutes. If you encounter any issues during the registration process or have questions, our support team is always available to assist you.
What if I don't have a DBS Check?
If you are not registered for the DBS update service, Teacher Direct is able to carry out a DBS check for you. There is a £60 fee for this service.
How much will I get paid?
One of the many benefits of the Teacher Direct Platform is that you get to choose your own daily rate. You can choose how much you get paid and you get recruited directly by schools, with no deductions and no agency fees. How much you get paid is up to you.
How quickly will I find supply teacher work in my area?
With hundreds of schools across the UK registered on our platform, and many schools having to use supply agencies to meet their short-term staffing needs, there are also hundreds of schools wanting to recruit teachers with Teacher Direct. We recommend that you check your emails and your Teacher Direct account for notifications regularly, as schools will often recruit directly at short notice, and will require confirmation.
Can I change my pay rate or account information?
You can change your pay rate and account information once your account has been verified and DBS checks have been completed. The platform is flexible around your needs, and you can make changes at any time.
Do I need to have a photo in my profile?
In order to verify your documents and to present in a school with relevant checks, you need to upload a profile photo so we can confirm your identity with other ID, and to ensure your arrival in a school confirms to safer recruitment guidance.
Will I see other teachers profiles?
No. You will not be able to see other teachers’ profiles and other teachers cannot see you. Only schools will be able to see your profile, and your information is only shared with schools who require supply teachers.
Will I see available jobs in my area?
When a school chooses to offer you a role on a supply teacher basis, you can either accept or decline the role. You can choose the radius from your home that you want to work and select local or regional jobs, and have the ability to choose the areas you would like to work.
Can I choose radius I want to work from home?
You can choose the radius from your home that you want to work and select local or regional jobs, and have the ability to choose the areas you would like to work.
Can I choose multiple subjects, as I was covering different subject last year?
In your profile, you can add multiple subjects depending on your experience. Schools will often select teachers for ‘general cover’ involving multiple subjects, so we do recommend adding multiple subjects if you have a breadth of experience, so you can showcase your skills to schools.
Will I be a PAYE or Self Employed?
As Teacher Direct is a platform that enables you to be recruited directly with schools, with no employment by us (PAYE), all work carried out through the platform is under ‘self-employed’ status, using a contract we have created between teachers using the platform and schools hiring teachers.
This also means you can claim back expenses for your work, and as you will likely be recruited in multiple schools, are self-employed and outside of IR35. You will need to complete an annual self-assessment return each year. An accountant is able to do this for you annually and will generally charge around £200. The savings you will make on claiming your expenses are usually well above this cost.
Will I get receipts or a track of all jobs?
A record of all work carried out and completed through the Teacher Direct platform will be stored in your account profile. You will also receive an email following approval by the school and confirmation. This makes tracking your work history and income seamless, meaning a record of all income is available for self-assessment purposes.
When will I get paid after job?
All payments are made the following Friday after the job has been completed. As an example, if you work from Monday 1st to Friday 5th in a particular school, the payment for the whole five days will be made on the following Friday, on Friday 12th.
What kids of checks teacher will have?
In order to comply with DfE guidance and safer recruitment guidelines, all teachers will undergo an enhanced DBS check, along with verification of work history, right to work in the UK checks, checks on satisfactory references and checks from previous schools, and/or educational establishments. We have ensured that all checks are fully compliant with DfE guidelines and have robust internal processes to ensure that all teachers have passed these checks before they are shown on our platform.
How will you verify our account?
To ensure that only schools can access teacher profiles we need to verify your account. We will do this by contacting the school contact by telephone and checking the school website/confirming contact information directly with you.
Will other schools or teachers see our profile?
Other schools will not be able to see your school profile although we are happy for you to share your experience with schools and tell other schools about Teacher Direct. Teachers will be able to see your school profile to allow them to choose a particular offer of a supply teacher role at your school.
Can we sort teacher data base by pay, distance or subject?
One of the main benefits of the Teacher Direct platform is that you can filter your teacher search by pay and availability, and can also view a teacher’s specialist subjects. Teachers are able to view suitable jobs in their location, enabling you to offer roles to teachers directly, with no agency.
When do we need to pay for a supply teacher?
As a direct recruitment platform, connecting schools directly with teachers, we make payment directly to teachers following completion of a job. This means all payments must be made upfront using a card payment online or by direct bank transfer.
Will an invoice be sent to us?
Once you have appointed a teacher to carry out a supply teacher role you will receive an invoice immediately via email. This will show the days, rate and fee for hiring the teacher directly.
Can we cancel a teacher same day?
It is not possible to cancel a teacher on the morning of the day that they are expected to work. You must give at least 48 hours notice to cancel a teacher, since the teacher may have declined other roles to work and we want to ensure the platform works fairly for schools and teachers.
Teacher Direct is a trading name of Direct Recruitment Holdings LTD
Mexborough Business Centre
College Road
S64 9JP
Companies No: 14948580
© Teacher Direct 2025